SciClone Separator

Canada  Currently available in Ontario, CA

The SciClone™ Hydrodynamic Separator is designed to capture and retain sediment, trash, and hydrocarbons, accepts inlet pipes from multiple angles, and comes equipped with an internal bypass. The SciClone is manufactured from polypropylene components which are non-corrosive and extremely durable.


  • Sediment (TSS) removal
  • Debris and small floatables capture
  • Pretreatment for filtration, detention/retention systems, ponds, wetlands, and bioretention
  • Retrofit and redevelopment projects

Contact a Local Rep Technical specs

The SciClone is designed to capture and retain sediment, trash, and hydrocarbons, accepts inlet pipes from multiple angles, and comes equipped
with an internal bypass. The SciClone is manufactured from polypropylene components which are non-corrosive and extremely durable.


How does it work?

  • The SciClone Separator’s inlet flow splitter redirects inlet flows away from the center of the chamber in two directions along the system’s perimeter creating two swirling vortexes.
  • Floatables are trapped by the baffle wall.
  • Fine sediment settles down to the bottom of the sump chamber, maximizing sediment collection.
  • As water passes under the oil/floatables skimmer, flows travels upward to the crest of the outlet weir.


SciClone Features and Benifits 

Features Benefits
Unique inlet flow splitter and outlet weir High sediment removal performance
100% non-corrosive components Reliability and a long-service life
Internal high-flow bypass Eliminates the need for a separate bypass structure
Clear access to sump and stored pollutants Fast, easy maintenance


SciClone Applications

  • Stormwater quality control – trash, debris, sediment, and hydrocarbon removal
  • Urban retrofit and redevelopment
  • Inlet and outlet protection
  • Pretreatment for filtration, detention/infiltration, bioretention, rainwater harvesting systems, and Low Impact Development designs


SciClone Approvals

SciClone is approved through numerous local, state and federal
verification programs, including:

  • New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP)
  • New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) Scour Testing
  • New Jersey Corporation for Advanced Technology (NJCAT) Verification
  • Tested per the Canadian Environmental Technology Verification (ETV) Program’s Procedure for Laboratory Testing of Oil-Grit Separators


SciClone Maintenance

The entire sump is accessible and can be viewed from the finished surface, and is completely open from the top to bottom. The system can be accessed from both sides of the baffle wall, providing unobstructed access to stored pollutants, making it easy to maintain using a vacuum truck, with no requirement to enter the unit.